
Cepalegre - Black Ice Dist Disp 1g / thc 84.90% / terp 5.89%


Hybrida Indica

Cuando la mayoría de la gente piensa en Black Ice, piensa en la sustancia resbaladiza que plaga los aparcamientos cuando hace frío; esta cepa no ofrece tal malestar. Black Ice fue cultivada originalmente por The Moon Seeds, con sede en España, como un cruce entre Black Domina y White Widow. Los cogollos presentan notas aromáticas de bayas agridulces combinadas con matices terrosos. Como híbrido de predominancia Indica con un contenido de THC de entre el 19 y el 24 %, Black Ice ofrece un fuerte efecto calmante y se disfruta mejor

Primeros Terpenos: 5.89%

trans-Nerolidol, Caryophyllene, Linalool, Nerolidol

Primeros Aromas:

Orange, cinnamon, Lavender, Flowers, Hops


More about this strain: Black Ice

When most people think of black ice they think of the slippery substance that plagues parking lots when it's cold — this strain offers no such unpleasantness. Black Ice was originally cultivated by Spain-based The Moon Seeds as a cross between and . The buds feature aromatic notes of sour-sweet berries coupled with earthy undertones. As an Indica-dominant hybrid with anywhere between 19-24% THC content, Black Ice delivers a heavy calming effect and is best enjoyed during the evening.

When most people think of black ice they think of the slippery substance that plagues parking lots when it's cold — this strain offers no such unpleasantness. Black Ice was originally cultivated by Spain-based The Moon Seeds as a cross between and . The buds feature aromatic notes of sour-sweet berries coupled with earthy undertones. As an Indica-dominant hybrid with anywhere between 19-24% THC content, Black Ice delivers a heavy calming effect and is best enjoyed during the evening.

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