
Cheese Trim / thc 14.25% / terp 1.15%

per 1 g


Hambriento .Relajado .Somnoliento


ojos secos .boca seca .Mareado

Ayuda con:

Estrés .Ansiedad, Dolor

Terpenos Dominantes: 1.15%

Caryophyllene, Myrcene, Humulene, trans-Nerolidol

Primary Aromas

Cinnamon, Hops, Orange, Lemon, Flower


More about this strain: Cheese

The Cheese strain is reportedly a phenotype of Skunk #1, a strain created by Sam “The Skunkman,” who brought it over from California to the Netherlands. From there, the Indica-dominant Cheese was bred and given notoriety in the United Kingdom in the late 1980s. Given the name “Cheese” as a signifier of its strong, cheddar-like flavor and aroma, the clone-only female is reported to have been crossed with Indica strains by several underground UK breeders for the proliferation of Cheese seeds.

The Cheese strain is reportedly a phenotype of Skunk #1, a strain created by Sam “The Skunkman,” who brought it over from California to the Netherlands. From there, the Indica-dominant Cheese was bred and given notoriety in the United Kingdom in the late 1980s. Given the name “Cheese” as a signifier of its strong, cheddar-like flavor and aroma, the clone-only female is reported to have been crossed with Indica strains by several underground UK breeders for the proliferation of Cheese seeds.

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